

Kevin's Thoughts
Arctic Tundra Wolf

Hello from the Tundra It’s been an amazing week as we have been treated to Arctic Tundra wolves spending time within viewing distance from the lodge. Now how cool is that! Weather is still up and down blustery with wind but warm. Great fishing, Arctic Tundra wolves,...

Tundra Time.

Morning, it’s a taste of fall colours this morning, just subtle hints of the coming fall. Up here on the Barren Lands north of the 64th Parallel we see the accelerated passing of summer. What takes weeks to grow down south takes days here. The berries are in full...

Thinking Outside The (Tackle) Box
Thinking Outside The (Tackle) Box

Fishing for Arctic grayling can be tricky on the best days – but you can boost your chances of success tremendously by having the right fly in your tackle box. But what to do when what should work doesn’t?  Get ready to make it work with a little ingenuity. On one...

Lake Trout
Lake Trout

Aylmer Lake through Thanakoie narrows into Clinton-Coldon Lake is absolutely one of the best Canadian Lake Trout lakes and boasts Lake Trout of all sizes. Our large fish numbers is due to that it has never been commercially or aboriginal netted makes it easy for us to...