
Aylmer Lake through Thanakoie narrows into Clinton-Coldon Lake is absolutely one of the best Canadian Lake Trout lakes and boasts Lake Trout of all sizes. Our large fish numbers is due to that it has never been commercially or aboriginal netted makes it easy for us to average 15 lb plus right up to big trophy Lunker Lake Trout on every trip, every day.

Our season starts off  July 1 with first ice out trout fishing. If you haven’t tried fishing at our lake yet and you want to experience a Trout frenzy,  surface fishing, trolling or jigging  you should try fishing at ice out. Just like the name says, ice out fishing is right after the ice breaks up on our lake, we will still have ice on the lake the first week of July. During This time, in the spring yes it is July but still spring in the arctic barrenlands , we have had guests catch their limits of trout in only a few minutes of fishing close to camp or right from our dock. This does happen a lot, schools of Lakers do swim along the shoreline in the spring. This is when the die hards get their gear out for their first action of the season!

After ice out, the Lake Trout are shallow and very active. Using trout lures such as Yakima Bait flat fish T-60’s, Len Thompson 5 of diamonds , savage eels and burbots, Eppinger Husky spoons guest have had excellent success catching lake trout. Fly fisherman they have lots of exciting opportunity  with a mix of floating dry mice and clouser patterns. As the water does not warm up here because we are so far north we have cold water all summer long. Trout stay shallow all summer where they can be found from 10-25 feet, following schools of baitfish, and grayling. By changing gear and moving to where the bait is trout will be caught in great numbers. Proven Aylmer Lake lodge trout techniques include using tube or savage jigs or trolling with a eppinger spoons or T-60’s. On other lakes in the southern part of Canada, Lake Trout can be very elusive during the summer. On Aylmer Lake, they are very shallow, easy to catch and plentiful all season.

Lake Trout are very common in the 15 -pound range. Daily we have guests bring in Lake Trout between 20-30 pounds. Weekly trout in the 30- 58 pound range are caught. Aylmer Lake through Thanakoie narrows and Clinton-Coldon Lake is a huge lake so there is plenty of Trout well over 50  pounds. A Lake Trout that lives long enough to weight 30 pounds is smart so you have you have your game on when they bite the lure.


Aylmer Lake is a crystal clear clean lake with a diverse rocky structure including many islands, shoals, deep ridges, sunken plateaus and lots of sand shoals.  It is a nutrient rich lake with massive amount of schools of baitfish. The reason the lake is clear is because it has deep holes that consume all the sediments, and we are 100 miles above the tree line, so no leaves or debris are in the water system. There is a large forage base of baitfish with tons of arctic grayling and other lake trout to eat because of mineral deposits in the area. Glaciers scrapping the land and exposing non-porous Precambrian Rock formed this Lake.

A precious mineral to lake trout is Calcium. The population of fish cannot exceed the calcium content of the water because they need it to grow bones. Our lakes has a very healthy amount of dissolved calcium thus having a sustainable amount of natural resources for trout to proliferate in great numbers and grow to huge sizes.

Aylmer Lake has the perfect arctic environmental conditions for tremendous fishing Lake Trout.